Machine Learning Accelerated Design and Discovery of Rare-earth Phosphates as Next Generation Environmental Barrier Coatings

An integrated computational and experimental approach for data-driven materials design of next generation EBCs
An integrated computational and experimental approach for data-driven materials design of next generation EBCs
  • Algorithms are being developed to generate synthetic microstructures based on experimentally-obtained microstructures and simulation of generated microstructure for materials properties simulations. 

  • Experimental EBSD data is processed and fed into DREAM 3D software to generate 3D synthetic statically equivalent microstructure of the single component and multicomponent rare-earth phosphates.

  • Abaqus files based on model output from DREAM 3D are generated to calculate the macroscopic properties of various statistically representative synthetic microstructures.

  • Effect of CMAS penetration on the effective material properties are studied and the extent of property degradation is being determined.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)