News & Events


NSF Shares Information on 2025 DMREF Solicitation


Check out the webinar video to learn about review criteria, features of a compelling proposal, and more.


NSF Releases 2025 Solicitation for DMREF Program


The submission window is from January 21 – February 4, 2025.


DMREF Researcher Receives Nobel Prize


The 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was recently awarded to DMREF researcher David Baker as well as Demis Hassabis and John Jumper for their work in protein design and prediction.


Explore Poster Abstracts from Recent MGI Meeting


This draft of the meeting booklet contains abstracts for the 130 PI posters presented during the two-day meeting. A final version of the booklet will be published on the website in the middle of August with summaries and reports from the workshop breakout sessions and panel discussions.


DMREF Project Develops Advanced Material to Efficiently Store Solar Energy

5/10/2024 | By Divya Abhat

The team’s fundamental research brings us one step closer to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.


Explore Research Internship Opportunities for Graduate Students at Air Force Research Laboratory


This Dear Colleague Letter describes this unique partnership with AFRL for submissions to the NSF INTERN Program, NSF 21-013. NSF 21-013 is often referred to as the INTERN DCL. This DCL is referred to as the NSF-AFRL INTERN DCL.


DMR Launches Search for DMREF Program Director


Responsibilities of the Program Director include planning and budget development, managing the merit review process and proposal recommendations, and more.


DMREF Leadership Discusses Program Impact at DMR's Monthly Open Hour Webinar

4/12/2024 | By Divya Abhat

At this month’s DMR Open Hour, DMREF program director John Schlueter discussed the focus and impact of the DMREF Program. This highly competitive program funds small teams of researchers. Competitions for this program take place on a biannual basis; the next competition is scheduled for January 2025.


Explore Research Internship Opportunities for Graduate Students at U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory and Ground Vehicle Systems Center


This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) describes this unique partnership with DEVCOM ARL or DEVCOM GVSC and is aligned with and conforms with the NSF INTERN opportunity described in the Dear Colleague Letter: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity. This DCL is referred to as the NSF - DEVCOM INTERN DCL.


AFRL, National Science Foundation, academia converge in Miami Valley to accelerate materials discovery to deployment

12/22/2023 | By Gail L. Forbes

The Air Force Research Laboratory, the National Science Foundation, and representatives from some of the nation’s leading academic institutions recently joined forces in Ohio, for the NSF’s DMREF and AFRL Kickoff. The two-day event provided a rare opportunity for members of AFRL’s world-class science and technology workforce to share scientific plans with fellow materials researchers from some of the country’s most distinguished universities to accelerate the transition of new materials from design to deployment in support of the nation’s warfighters over the next four years. 


NSF Appoints New DMR Division Director

10/6/2023 | By Divya Abhat

In early 2023, the National Science Foundation (NSF) appointed Germano Iannacchione as the new Division Director of its Division of Materials Research (DMR)—a division with a critical objective to invest in the discovery, development, and design of new materials.


NSF Invests $72.5 Million to Design Revolutionary Materials


NSF supports 37 teams to create novel materials to address grand societal challenges and develop the scientific and engineering workforce of tomorrow.


NSF Announces New Solicitation for its DMREF Program


Awards could range from $1.5-$2 million over four years.

1/13/2025 - 1/13/2025

DMREF-DMS Office Hours II:


NSF’s Division of Mathematical Sciences has scheduled two Office Hours for PIs interested in the DMREF-DMS opportunity.

Please click here for meeting link.

Meeting ID: 161 560 4357, Passcode: 422703

12/18/2024 - 12/18/2024

DMREF-AFRL After Hours Q&A Webinar on Zoom


Don't miss the DMREF-AFRL After Hours Q&A webinar on Zoom. Meeting ID: 161 226 0782 Password: 46474681 Contact Ruth Pachter: for more details.

12/5/2024 - 12/5/2024

DMREF-DMS Office Hours I


NSF’s Division of Mathematical Sciences has scheduled two Office Hours for PIs interested in the DMREF-DMS opportunity.

Click here for the meeting link.
Meeting ID: 161 445 3238, Passcode: 074385

12/3/2024 - 12/3/2024

NSERC Webinar - New NSF-NSERC call entitled Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)


The goal of this session is to provide information on the new collaborative research opportunity from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the US National Science Foundation (NSF), entitled "Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future" (DMREF).

11/21/2024 - 11/21/2024

DMREF 2025 Solicitation Webinar


This webinar will explain review criteria for the 2025 DMREF competition, considerations for preparing a compelling proposal, and changes from the 2023 DMREF solicitation. It will conclude with a question-and-answer session. Registration is required to attend. The webinar will be recorded and made publicly available.

7/30/2024 - 7/31/2024

Materials Genome Initiative, 6th Principal Investigator Meeting

JHU Bloomberg Center @ 555 Penn

Washington, D.C.

The Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) Biennial Principal Investigator Workshop brings together awardees to provide an assessment of the current status of the MGI; discuss challenges and successes; and create a springboard to collaborative work leveraging rapid growth in data, data-driven AI/ML, and community-wide infrastructure development.

10/17/2022 - 11/17/2022

Materials Laboratories of the Future: Instrumentation and Infrastructure to Accelerate the Unification of the Materials Innovation Infrastructure.

The NSF Division of Materials Research is sponsoring a series of workshops that will identify critical gaps, essential needs, and emerging opportunities in instrumentation and infrastructure needed to help keep the United States at the forefront of materials research.

6/27/2022 - 6/28/2022

Materials Genome Initiative Accelerating Materials Research, 5th Principal Investigator Meeting

College Park, Maryland

1/1/2021 - 1/31/2021

2021 HybriD3 Theory Training Workshop

This workshop, held virtually in January 2021, introduced students and other early-career scientists to the theory and practical applications of atomistic modeling techniques in materials science, chemistry, and condensed matter physics, particularly first-principles electronic structure calculations. Organizers offered a three-day program of lectures and simple hands-on sessions, designed to provide an entry point to the current most important, density-functional theory based simulation approaches in computational molecular and materials science.

3/26/2018 - 3/27/2018

Materials Genome Initiative Accelerating Materials Research, 4th Principal Investigator Meeting

College Park, Maryland

1/11/2016 - 1/12/2016

Materials Genome Initiative Accelerating Materials Research, 3rd Principal Investigator Meeting

Bethesda, Maryland

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)