Observing Crystal Nucleation in 4D at Atomic Resolution

Nucleation plays a critical role in many physical and biological phenomena, ranging from the formation of clouds to the initiation of neurodegenerative diseases. However, nucleation is a challenging process to study, especially in its early stages.

Hendrik Heinz (University of Colorado Boulder) and Jianwei Miao (UCLA)

Experimental observation of the same nuclei undergoing growth, fluctuation, dissolution, merging and/or division at 4D atomic resolution.

Nucleation plays a critical role in many physical and biological phenomena, ranging from the formation of clouds to the initiation of neurodegenerative diseases. However, nucleation is a challenging process to study, especially in its early stages.

Here, the DMREF team advanced atomic electron tomography to study early-stage nucleation in 4D at atomic resolution. Three experimental observations contradict classical nucleation theory (CNT):

  • Every nucleus has a core of one to a few atoms with the maximum order parameter and the order parameter gradient points from the core to the boundary of the nucleus.

  • Nuclei undergo growth, fluctuation, dissolution, merging and/or division, which are regulated by the order parameter and its gradient.

  • Early stage nuclei are anisotropic.

The results show that a theory beyond CNT is needed to describe nucleation at the atomic scale.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)