Data Driven Discovery of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes for Neuromorphic Computing

The project provides an excellent opportunity to train high school, undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and a high school teacher.

Gang Lu & Xu Zhang (California State University Northridge) Thuc-Quyen Nguyen & Guillermo Bazan (UCSB)

The  project  provides  an  excellent  opportunity  to  train  high  school, undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and a high school teacher.


-Undergraduate students:
-Kunyun ‘George’ Li (3rd year Chem. Engineering, UCSB)
-Yuxiang Wen (2nd year, Chem. Engineering, UCSB)
-Brian Kim (3nd year Chemistry, UCSB)
-Kelsey  Harrison  (4th  Chemistry,  UCSB,  currently  at  Columbia University for PhD program)
-Max Shrock (4th Chemistry, UCSB, currently at Stanford for PhD program)


-Graduate students:
-Sangmin Chae (3rd year graduate student, UCSB)
-Luana Llanes (5th year, graduate student, UCSB)


-Dr. Yangyang Wan (CSNU)
-Dr. Tung Nguyen-Dang (UCSB)


- Lompoc Junior High Teacher Melissa Moore spent 5 weeks working in the Nguyen group and she incorporated what she learned  in the science curriculum at her school.


- Ventura High School student, Jaden Elizondo spent 8 weeks summer research working on the characterization of conjugated polyelectrolytes.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)