Attracting College and High School Students to STEM

Dr. Shen’s lab hosted a Regional Computational Biophysics Symposium for students and postdocs on June 23, 2017. We had 53 registered participants including 9 junior and senior local high school students. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from DC/Baltimore/Delaware colleges gave 17 short talks covering a range of topics, including state-of-the-art molecular simulations of proteins, lipids, polysaccharides, transmembrane proteins as well as computational protein design, coarse-grained and polarizable models.

Jana Shen

Dr. Shen’s lab hosted a Regional Computational Biophysics Symposium for students and postdocs on June 23, 2017. We had 53 registered participants including 9 junior and senior local high school students. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from DC/Baltimore/Delaware colleges gave 17 short talks covering a range of topics, including state-of-the-art molecular simulations of proteins, lipids, polysaccharides, transmembrane proteins as well as computational protein design, coarse-grained and polarizable models.


This summer, Dr. Shen is hosting two high school interns. These students are offered opportunity to gain hands-on experience of modeling kinases which are major drug  targets for cancer treatment, while learning biology, chemistry, physics, math and computer science related to the topic.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)