Evidence for Spin Swapping in an Antiferromagnet
In outreach activities, we have sought to inspire the next generation of researchers from different age groups and backgrounds. We have focused on building approachable and adaptive demonstrations of scientific experiments for K-12 classrooms, including in-person and virtual projects. We are also working with undergraduate students within the department on their research projects to kickstart their career.
J. Zhou (U. Texas-Austin); G. Fiete (Northeastern U.); C.L. Chien (Johns Hopkins U.)
In outreach activities, we have sought to inspire the next generation of researchers from different age groups and backgrounds. We have focused on building approachable and adaptive demonstrations of scientific experiments for K-12 classrooms, including in-person and virtual projects. We are also working with undergraduate students within the department on their research projects to kickstart their career.
This year, we have added a focus of serving underrepresented communities and helped undergraduate students from these communities plan their career. A DMREF funded PhD student served as a graduate student mentor and representative for the Cockrell School of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin Out for Undergrad (O4U) Engineering Conference 2021. This yearly event helps undergraduate students from LGBTQ+ communities connect with people from various industries, scientific research communities and graduate schools.