Computational Chemistry to Accelerate Development of Long Wave Infrared Polymers

Project Personnel

Jean-Luc Bredas

Principal Investigator

University of Arizona


Dennis Lichtenberger

University of Arizona


Robert Norwood

University of Arizona


Nicholas Godman

Air Force Research Laboratory

Jeffrey Pyun

University of Arizona


Jon Njardarson

University of Arizona


Funding Divisions

Division of Materials Research (DMR), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)

This project will develop plastic optical materials to create lenses, windows, and optical elements for long wave infrared (LWIR) thermal imaging systems. IR thermal imaging and optical technologies are critical across the defense and military sectors, while the potential of IR thermal imaging and detection for applications in consumer electronics, transportation, medical imaging, security and robotics have also been known for decades. However, the high cost of IR cameras & detectors has impeded widespread use of these systems in consumer markets. In the vast majority of these imaging systems, expensive, inorganic semiconductors are required for the fabrication of LWIR optical components. Importantly, one of the common materials used in these efforts, germanium, has been identified as a US critical mineral, a lack of which would profoundly impact US defense capabilities. Hence, the development of new inexpensive and moldable polymers for use as LWIR plastic optics would be a significant advance to lower the cost of LWIR cameras and ensure US national security. 

To address this challenging problem, this interdisciplinary project has been launched in collaboration with scientists at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and it will harness a wide range of computational tools and machine learning capabilities to accelerate materials discovery. Thus, the project closely aligns with the Materials Genome Initiative for Global Competitiveness (MGI). 


Dithiophosphoric Acids for Polymer Functionalization
J. Bao, K. Kang, J. Molineux, D. J. Bischoff, M. E. Mackay, J. Pyun, and J. T. Njardarson
Synthesis of Deuterated and Sulfurated Polymers by Inverse Vulcanization: Engineering Infrared Transparency via Deuteration
M. H. Qureshi, J. Bao, T. S. Kleine, K. Kim, K. J. Carothers, J. Molineux, E. Cho, K. Kang, N. P. Godman, V. Coropceanu, J. Bredas, R. A. Norwood, J. T. Njardarson, and J. Pyun
Unraveling the rheology of inverse vulcanized polymers
D. J. Bischoff, T. Lee, K. Kang, J. Molineux, W. O’Neil Parker, J. Pyun, and M. E. Mackay
Hole versus electron transport in fullerenes
E. Cho, V. Coropceanu, and J. Brédas
On the Mechanism of the Inverse Vulcanization of Elemental Sulfur: Structural Characterization of Poly(sulfur-random-(1,3-diisopropenylbenzene))
J. Bao, K. P. Martin, E. Cho, K. Kang, R. S. Glass, V. Coropceanu, J. Bredas, W. O. Parker, J. T. Njardarson, and J. Pyun
π‐Conjugated Carbon‐Based Materials for Infrared Thermal Imaging
E. Cho, S. M. Pratik, J. Pyun, V. Coropceanu, and J. Brédas
Electronic, vibrational, and optical properties of fullerene–S8 co-crystals
M. Shaban Tameh, X. Ni, V. Coropceanu, and J. Brédas
Sulfenyl Chlorides: An Alternative Monomer Feedstock from Elemental Sulfur for Polymer Synthesis
K. Kang, C. Olikagu, T. Lee, J. Bao, J. Molineux, L. N. Holmen, K. P. Martin, K. Kim, K. H. Kim, J. Bang, V. K. Kumirov, R. S. Glass, R. A. Norwood, J. T. Njardarson, and J. Pyun
Ring-to-Chain Structural Relaxation of Elemental Sulfur upon Photoexcitation
E. Cho, S. M. Pratik, J. Pyun, V. Coropceanu, and J. Brédas
High Refractive Index Chalcogenide Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Polymers for Integrated Photonics
A. Nishant, K. Kim, S. A. Showghi, R. Himmelhuber, T. S. Kleine, T. Lee, J. Pyun, and R. A. Norwood

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Research Highlights

Engineering Infrared Transparency via Deuteration
J. Pyun, J. Njardarson, R. Norwood, JL Bredas, (U. Arizona); N. Godman (AFRL)

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)