Programmable Chemomechanical Materials

Project Personnel

Seth Fraden

Principal Investigator

Brandeis University


Klaus Schmidt-Rohr

Brandeis University


Bing Xu

Brandeis University


Michael Hagan

Brandeis University


Funding Divisions

Division of Materials Research (DMR), Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET)

The objective of the project is to develop purely synthetic, chemomechanical materials that emulate biological processes, such as the beating of a heart, at programmable rates and rhythms. The long-term goal is to elucidate the fundamental physical principles of active soft matter based on reaction-diffusion chemistry, enabling engineering of materials capable of chemical control and chemomechanical transduction. This research will address two fundamental challenges in the design of chemomechanical materials. his project draws inspiration from the sinuous motion of a lamprey, in which neurons running down the spinal column are excited in sequence causing the musculature to contract, thereby propelling the lamprey. The fundamental principles underlying this behavior are understood, and this team seeks to engineer nonliving materials that possess these properties of living matter. They will develop purely synthetic materials that will operate autonomously, driven solely by chemistry without electricity, computers, or motors. These materials will execute multiple functions and be externally triggered to modify their behavior. Thus, this work will establish a new paradigm of precise and programmable chemical control for the fledgling field of soft robotics, in which soft, tissue-like materials replace the rigid, hard materials now found in robots on factory floors.