Development of Design Rules for High Hydroxide Transport in Polymer Architectures

Project Personnel

Mark Tuckerman

Principal Investigator

New York University


Chulsung Bae

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Stephen Paddison

The University of Tennessee - Knoxville


Michael Hickner

Pennsylvania State University


Funding Divisions

Division of Chemistry (CHE), Division of Materials Research (DMR), Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (OMA)

The understanding and design of cost-effective and reliable polymer architectures for use as ion-conducting membranes is an important challenge facing emerging electrochemical device technologies. Currently available proton exchange membranes are problematic due to high cost, environmental concerns of fluoroplymers, and often poor performance under nonideal conditions. Fuel cells based on anion exchange membranes have the potential to alleviate most of these problems. However, little systematic knowledge of how best to design these materials exists at present despite the fact that liquid-electrolyte alkaline fuel cells were among the first fuel cells to be developed. The team of researchers is applying an integrated, iterative theoretical-experimental approach towards the targeted syntheses of polymers, the first-principles computer simulations of specific polymer chemistries, the mathematical and experimental characterization of structures/morphologies, and the measurement and computational modeling of long-range hydroxide ion transport. Through this cohesive effort, the team of investigators is aiming to advance fundamental science and engineering knowledge in the area of fuel cells membranes and to deduce a set of fundamental design principles for anion exchange membranes that accelerate the time between concept and production of practically useful materials.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)