Optimizing Problem Formulation for PrinTable Refractory Alloys via Integrated Materials and Processing Co-design (OPTIMA)

Project Personnel

Brady Butler


Douglas Allaire


Raymundo Arroyave

Principal Investigator

Texas A&M University


Ibrahim Karaman


Texas A&M University


Alaa Elwany


The research team on this Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) grant will embark on a project that focuses on the accelerated discovery of new advanced materials with superior properties needed to fabricate critical components in complex systems, such as turbine blades for next-generation clean energy production systems, components for industrial de-carbonization systems, and transportation. The project will explore a particular class of high-performance alloys (printable refractory alloys) that are strong and durable at elevated temperatures and amenable to fabrication using 3D printing. This is important because 3D printing allows for more complex part design, bolsters energy efficiency, and reduces emissions in next-generation systems. The new framework for the accelerated discovery of printable refractory alloys will also ensure that the materials discovered and components fabricated are resilient to global supply chain disruptions, meaning they can be readily acquired even in the case of unexpected supply chain shocks originating from economic, societal, or geo-political risks. The project combines advanced experimental techniques, simulations, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to accelerate alloy and process co-discovery, aligning with the Materials Genome Initiative.

Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)