Thin Film Biofabrication for Integrated Bio-electronics

Project Personnel

Gregory Payne

Principal Investigator

William Bentley

Jana Shen

Funding Divisions

Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET)

This project integrates advances in biotechnology and microelectronics by developing generic, biologically-based thin film fabrication methods to incorporate biological function into electronics. Thin hydrogel films will be triggered to self-assemble in response to locally-imposed electrical signals. The PIs propose methods to incorporate small molecules, proteins, and cells into the hydrogel films, and will focus on understanding how fabrication conditions control the structure-property-function relations. A multilayer thin film system is proposed that will allow communication between the biology and the electronics. A collaboration with industrial partners will accelerate the incorporation of biology into materials science. The PIs also propose to integrate the activities within existing University partnerships with Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Science and Technology. Because they provide the metrology and regulatory guidelines, these agencies will be integral to the speed that biologically-based materials are introduced into the marketplace. These partnerships will assist in accelerating translation and also in providing meaningful externships for students.


Parsed synthesis of pyocyanin via co-culture enables context-dependent intercellular redox communication
K. Chun, K. Stephens, S. Wang, C. Tsao, G. F. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
A Redox-Based Autoinduction Strategy to Facilitate Expression of 5xCys-Tagged Proteins for Electrobiofabrication
S. Wang, C. Tsao, D. Motabar, J. Li, G. F. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
Bioelectronic control of a microbial community using surface-assembled electrogenetic cells to route signals
J. L. Terrell, T. Tschirhart, J. P. Jahnke, K. Stephens, Y. Liu, H. Dong, M. M. Hurley, M. Pozo, R. McKay, C. Y. Tsao, H. Wu, G. Vora, G. F. Payne, D. N. Stratis-Cullum, and W. E. Bentley
3D-Printed electrochemical sensor-integrated transwell systems
P. Ramiah Rajasekaran, A. A. Chapin, D. N. Quan, J. Herberholz, W. E. Bentley, and R. Ghodssi
Electrochemical measurement of serotonin by Au-CNT electrodes fabricated on microporous cell culture membranes
A. A. Chapin, P. R. Rajasekaran, D. N. Quan, L. Hu, J. Herberholz, W. E. Bentley, and R. Ghodssi
Homologous Quorum Sensing Regulatory Circuit: A Dual-Input Genetic Controller for Modulating Quorum Sensing-Mediated Protein Expression in E. coli
P. Hauk, K. Stephens, C. Virgile, E. VanArsdale, A. E. Pottash, J. S. Schardt, S. M. Jay, H. O. Sintim, and W. E. Bentley
Transglutaminase-mediated assembly of multi-enzyme pathway onto TMV brush surfaces for synthesis of bacterial autoinducer-2
N. Bhokisham, Y. Liu, A. D. Brown, G. F. Payne, J. N. Culver, and W. E. Bentley
Mediated Electrochemistry to Mimic Biology's Oxidative Assembly of Functional Matrices
J. Li, E. Kim, K. M. Gray, C. Conrad, C. Tsao, S. P. Wang, G. Zong, G. Scarcelli, K. M. Stroka, L. Wang, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
A redox-based electrogenetic CRISPR system to connect with and control biological information networks
N. Bhokisham, E. VanArsdale, K. T. Stephens, P. Hauk, G. F. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
Hierarchical patterning via dynamic sacrificial printing of stimuli-responsive hydrogels
H. Wen, J. Li, G. F. Payne, Q. Feng, M. Liang, J. Chen, H. Dong, and X. Cao
A Coculture Based Tyrosine-Tyrosinase Electrochemical Gene Circuit for Connecting Cellular Communication with Electronic Networks
E. VanArsdale, D. Hörnström, G. Sjöberg, I. Järbur, J. Pitzer, G. F. Payne, A. J. A. van Maris, and W. E. Bentley
Electrical cuing of chitosan's mesoscale organization
S. Wu, K. Yan, J. Li, R. N. Huynh, C. B. Raub, J. Shen, X. Shi, and G. F. Payne
Tag-Free Site-Specific BMP-2 Immobilization with Long-Acting Bioactivities via a Simple Sugar–Lectin Interaction
H. Wang, X. Qu, Z. Zhang, M. Lei, H. Tan, C. Bao, S. Lin, L. Zhu, J. Kohn, and C. Liu
Melanin Produced by the Fast-Growing Marine Bacterium Vibrio natriegens through Heterologous Biosynthesis: Characterization and Application
Z. Wang, T. Tschirhart, Z. Schultzhaus, E. E. Kelly, A. Chen, E. Oh, O. Nag, E. R. Glaser, E. Kim, P. F. Lloyd, P. T. Charles, W. Li, D. Leary, J. Compton, D. A. Phillips, A. Dhinojwala, G. F. Payne, and G. J. Vora
Redox-Channeling Polydopamine-Ferrocene (PDA-Fc) Coating To Confer Context-Dependent and Photothermal Antimicrobial Activities
J. Song, H. Liu, M. Lei, H. Tan, Z. Chen, A. Antoshin, G. F. Payne, X. Qu, and C. Liu
Validation of oxidative stress assay for schizophrenia
E. Kim, Z. Keskey, M. Kang, C. Kitchen, W. E. Bentley, S. Chen, D. L. Kelly, and G. F. Payne
Engineering Escherichia coli for enhanced sensitivity to the autoinducer‐2 quorum sensing signal
K. Stephens, A. Zargar, M. Emamian, N. Abutaleb, E. Choi, D. N. Quan, G. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
Pro- and Anti-oxidant Properties of Redox-Active Catechol-Chitosan Films
E. Kim, M. Kang, H. Liu, C. Cao, C. Liu, W. E. Bentley, X. Qu, and G. F. Payne
Redox Is a Global Biodevice Information Processing Modality
E. Kim, J. Li, M. Kang, D. L. Kelly, S. Chen, A. Napolitano, L. Panzella, X. Shi, K. Yan, S. Wu, J. Shen, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Electrobiofabrication: electrically based fabrication with biologically derived materials
J. Li, S. Wu, E. Kim, K. Yan, H. Liu, C. Liu, H. Dong, X. Qu, X. Shi, J. Shen, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Role of polydopamine’s redox-activity on its pro-oxidant, radical-scavenging, and antimicrobial activities
H. Liu, X. Qu, H. Tan, J. Song, M. Lei, E. Kim, G. F. Payne, and C. Liu
Programmable Electrofabrication of Porous Janus Films with Tunable Janus Balance for Anisotropic Cell Guidance and Tissue Regeneration
M. Lei, X. Qu, H. Liu, Y. Liu, S. Wang, S. Wu, W. E. Bentley, G. F. Payne, and C. Liu
Electrochemical reverse engineering to probe for drug-phenol redox interactions
Y. Wang, Y. Liu, E. Kim, B. Li, and G. F. Payne
Coupling Self-Assembly Mechanisms to Fabricate Molecularly and Electrically Responsive Films
J. Li, D. Maniar, X. Qu, H. Liu, C. Tsao, E. Kim, W. E. Bentley, C. Liu, and G. F. Payne
An immune magnetic nano-assembly for specifically amplifying intercellular quorum sensing signals
Y. Guan, C. Tsao, D. N. Quan, Y. Li, L. Mei, J. Zhang, B. Zhang, Y. Liu, W. E. Bentley, G. F. Payne, and Q. Wang
Electrodeposition of a magnetic and redox-active chitosan film for capturing and sensing metabolic active bacteria
Y. Li, Y. Liu, E. Kim, Y. Song, C. Tsao, Z. Teng, T. Gao, L. Mei, W. E. Bentley, G. F. Payne, and Q. Wang
Catechol-chitosan redox capacitor for added amplification in electrochemical immunoanalysis
K. Yan, Y. Liu, Y. Guan, N. Bhokisham, C. Tsao, E. Kim, X. Shi, Q. Wang, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
A platform of genetically engineered bacteria as vehicles for localized delivery of therapeutics: Toward applications for Crohn's disease
R. McKay, M. Ghodasra, J. Schardt, D. Quan, A. E. Pottash, W. Shang, S. M. Jay, G. F. Payne, M. W. Chang, J. C. March, and W. E. Bentley
Reverse Engineering To Characterize Redox Properties: Revealing Melanin’s Redox Activity through Mediated Electrochemical Probing
M. Kang, E. Kim, Z. Temoçin, J. Li, E. Dadachova, Z. Wang, L. Panzella, A. Napolitano, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Electrical Writing onto a Dynamically Responsive Polysaccharide Medium: Patterning Structure and Function into a Reconfigurable Medium
S. Wu, K. Yan, Y. Zhao, C. Tsai, J. Shen, W. E. Bentley, Y. Chen, H. Deng, Y. Du, G. F. Payne, and X. Shi
Signal processing approach to probe chemical space for discriminating redox signatures
M. Kang, E. Kim, S. Chen, W. E. Bentley, D. L. Kelly, and G. F. Payne
Focusing quorum sensing signalling by nano‐magnetic assembly
Y. Guan, C. Tsao, D. N. Quan, Y. Li, L. Mei, Y. Song, B. Zhang, Y. Liu, G. F. Payne, W. E. Bentley, and Q. Wang
Radical Scavenging Activities of Biomimetic Catechol-Chitosan Films
C. Cao, E. Kim, Y. Liu, M. Kang, J. Li, J. Yin, H. Liu, X. Qu, C. Liu, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Electrofabrication of functional materials: Chloramine-based antimicrobial film for infectious wound treatment
X. Qu, H. Liu, C. Zhang, Y. Lei, M. Lei, M. Xu, D. Jin, P. Li, M. Yin, G. F. Payne, and C. Liu
Biofabricating Functional Soft Matter Using Protein Engineering to Enable Enzymatic Assembly
Y. Liu, H. Wu, N. Bhokisham, J. Li, K. Hong, D. N. Quan, C. Tsao, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Bio-inspired redox-cycling antimicrobial film for sustained generation of reactive oxygen species
H. Liu, X. Qu, E. Kim, M. Lei, K. Dai, X. Tan, M. Xu, J. Li, Y. Liu, X. Shi, P. Li, G. F. Payne, and C. Liu
Electrical Programming of Soft Matter: Using Temporally Varying Electrical Inputs To Spatially Control Self Assembly
K. Yan, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, S. O. Correa, W. Shang, C. Tsai, W. E. Bentley, J. Shen, G. Scarcelli, C. B. Raub, X. Shi, and G. F. Payne
Spectroelectrochemical Reverse Engineering DemonstratesThat Melanin’s Redox and Radical Scavenging Activities Are Linked
E. Kim, M. Kang, T. Tschirhart, M. Malo, E. Dadachova, G. Cao, J. Yin, W. E. Bentley, Z. Wang, and G. F. Payne
Connecting Biology to Electronics: Molecular Communication via Redox Modality
Y. Liu, J. Li, T. Tschirhart, J. L. Terrell, E. Kim, C. Tsao, D. L. Kelly, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Incorporating LsrK AI‐2 quorum quenching capability in a functionalized biopolymer capsule
M. K. Rhoads, P. Hauk, J. Terrell, C. Tsao, H. Oh, S. R. Raghavan, S. S. Mansy, G. F. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
The Analgesic Acetaminophen and the Antipsychotic Clozapine Can Each Redox-Cycle with Melanin
Z. Temoçin, E. Kim, J. Li, L. Panzella, M. L. Alfieri, A. Napolitano, D. L. Kelly, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Reliable clinical serum analysis with reusable electrochemical sensor: Toward point-of-care measurement of the antipsychotic medication clozapine
M. Kang, E. Kim, T. E. Winkler, G. Banis, Y. Liu, C. A. Kitchen, D. L. Kelly, R. Ghodssi, and G. F. Payne
Controlling localization of Escherichia coli populations using a two‐part synthetic motility circuit: An accelerator and brake
R. McKay, P. Hauk, H. Wu, A. E. Pottash, W. Shang, J. Terrell, G. F. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
A simple and reusable bilayer membrane-based microfluidic device for the study of gradient-mediated bacterial behaviors
W. Shang, C. Tsao, X. Luo, M. Teodoro, R. McKay, D. N. Quan, H. Wu, G. F. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
Reversible Programing of Soft Matter with Reconfigurable Mechanical Properties
H. He, X. Cao, H. Dong, T. Ma, and G. F. Payne
Redox Probing for Chemical Information of Oxidative Stress
E. Kim, T. E. Winkler, C. Kitchen, M. Kang, G. Banis, W. E. Bentley, D. L. Kelly, R. Ghodssi, and G. F. Payne
A Facile Two-Step Enzymatic Approach for Conjugating Proteins to Polysaccharide Chitosan at an Electrode Interface
N. Bhokisham, Y. Liu, H. Pakhchanian, G. F. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
Fusing Sensor Paradigms to Acquire Chemical Information: An Integrative Role for Smart Biopolymeric Hydrogels
E. Kim, Y. Liu, H. Ben‐Yoav, T. E. Winkler, K. Yan, X. Shi, J. Shen, D. L. Kelly, R. Ghodssi, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Conferring biological activity to native spider silk: A biofunctionalized protein‐based microfiber
H. Wu, D. N. Quan, C. Tsao, Y. Liu, J. L. Terrell, X. Luo, J. Yang, G. F. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
Paraquat–Melanin Redox-Cycling: Evidence from Electrochemical Reverse Engineering
E. Kim, W. T. Leverage, Y. Liu, L. Panzella, M. L. Alfieri, A. Napolitano, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Electrochemical Fabrication of Functional Gelatin-Based Bioelectronic Interface
X. Peng, Y. Liu, W. E. Bentley, and G. F. Payne
Reverse Engineering Applied to Red Human Hair Pheomelanin Reveals Redox-Buffering as a Pro-Oxidant Mechanism
E. Kim, L. Panzella, R. Micillo, W. E. Bentley, A. Napolitano, and G. F. Payne
Nano-guided cell networks as conveyors of molecular communication
J. L. Terrell, H. Wu, C. Tsao, N. B. Barber, M. D. Servinsky, G. F. Payne, and W. E. Bentley
Biofabricated Nanoparticle Coating for Liver‐Cell Targeting
C. Zhang, X. Qu, J. Li, H. Hong, J. Li, J. Ren, G. F. Payne, and C. Liu
Self-Assembly with Orthogonal-Imposed Stimuli To Impart Structure and Confer Magnetic Function To Electrodeposited Hydrogels
Y. Li, Y. Liu, T. Gao, B. Zhang, Y. Song, J. L. Terrell, N. Barber, W. E. Bentley, I. Takeuchi, G. F. Payne, and Q. Wang
Chitosan to Connect Biology to Electronics: Fabricating the Bio-Device Interface and Communicating Across This Interface
E. Kim, Y. Xiong, Y. Cheng, H. Wu, Y. Liu, B. Morrow, H. Ben-Yoav, R. Ghodssi, G. Rubloff, J. Shen, W. Bentley, X. Shi, and G. Payne
Electrical Signals Triggered Controllable Formation of Calcium-alginate Film for Wound Treatment
Electro-molecular Assembly: Electrical Writing of Information into an Erasable Polysaccharide Medium
Electrochemical Measurement of the beta-Galactosidase Reporter from Live Cells: A Comparison to the Miller Assay
Catechol-Based Hydrogel for Chemical Information Processing
Functionalizing Soft Matter for Molecular Communication

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Research Highlights

Elucidating Salt Effects on Chitosan Dynamics
Gregory Payne and Jana Shen
Translating Bioelectrochemical Engineering
Gregory Payne and William Bentley
A New Paradigm for Accessing Chemical Information
Gregory Payne and William Bentley
Enlisting Synbio for Molecular Communication
Gregory Payne and William Bentley
Reverse Engineering of Materials Properties
Gregory Payne and William Bentley
Extending Reverse Engineering to Biology
Gregory Payne and William Bentley
Scientists as Ambassadors
Gregory Payne

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