Machine Learning Algorithm Prediction and Synthesis of Next Generation Superhard Functional Materials
The goal of this project is to discover new materials that possess the properties needed to enable the technologies of the future. Many materials have outstanding properties that make them desirable for some applications but are deficient in other properties that limit their use. A well-known example is diamond, which is the hardest known material but is also an electrical insulator. Is there a material yet to be discovered that could satisfy the need for a superhard material that also has the high electrical conductivity of a metal or other useful properties?
This project will combine diverse areas of expertise to search for new superhard materials that also possess other desirable properties that enable them to fulfill uniquely demanding technological requirements. Both three-dimensional and two-dimensional forms of these materials will be synthesized. A feedback loop between experiment and theory will be used to characterize the materials, rationally design those with desired properties, and optimize the synthesis protocols. Students will be trained in an interdisciplinary collaborative team of theoreticians and experimentalists whose expertise includes chemistry, physics, and materials science and engineering.
This project will combine diverse areas of expertise to search for new superhard materials that also possess other desirable properties that enable them to fulfill uniquely demanding technological requirements. Both three-dimensional and two-dimensional forms of these materials will be synthesized. A feedback loop between experiment and theory will be used to characterize the materials, rationally design those with desired properties, and optimize the synthesis protocols. Students will be trained in an interdisciplinary collaborative team of theoreticians and experimentalists whose expertise includes chemistry, physics, and materials science and engineering.
Powder X-ray diffraction assisted evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction
S. Racioppi, A. Otero-de-la-Roza, S. Hajinazar, and E. Zurek
Impact of data bias on machine learning for crystal compound synthesizability predictions
A. Davariashtiyani, B. Wang, S. Hajinazar, E. Zurek, and S. Kadkhodaei
Effect of low-temperature compression on superconductivity and crystal structure in strontium metal
J. Lim, S. Sinha, D. E. Jackson, R. S. Kumar, C. Park, R. J. Hemley, D. VanGennep, Y. K. Vohra, R. G. Hennig, P. J. Hirschfeld, G. R. Stewart, and J. J. Hamlin
High-pressure characterization of Ag3AuTe2: Implications for strain-induced band tuning
J. Won, R. Zhang, C. Peng, R. Kumar, M. S. Gebre, D. Popov, R. J. Hemley, B. Bradlyn, T. P. Devereaux, and D. P. Shoemaker
XtalOpt version 13: Multi-objective evolutionary search for novel functional materials
S. Hajinazar, and E. Zurek
Structural transition and uranium valence change in
UTe 2
at high pressure revealed by x-ray diffraction and spectroscopy
Y. Deng, E. Lee-Wong, C. M. Moir, R. S. Kumar, N. Swedan, C. Park, D. Y. Popov, Y. Xiao, P. Chow, R. E. Baumbach, R. J. Hemley, P. S. Riseborough, and M. B. Maple
Pressure dependence of intermediate-range order and elastic properties of glassy Baltic amber
S. N. Tkachev, C. M. Zoller, C. Kenney-Benson, M. Ahart, R. J. Hemley, V. N. Novikov, and S. Kojima
Identification of a Stable B2H2 Intermediate in the Decomposition of Zr(BH4)4 on the Pd(111) Surface
R. Ranjan, M. Redington, A. Ologun, E. Zurek, D. P. Miller, and M. Trenary
Thermally frustrated phase transition at high pressure in B2-ordered FeV
H. Reyes-Pulido, B. K C, R. S. Kumar, R. J. Hemley, and J. A. Muñoz
High-temperature concomitant metal-insulator and spin-reorientation transitions in a compressed nodal-line ferrimagnet Mn3Si2Te6
R. A. Susilo, C. I. Kwon, Y. Lee, N. P. Salke, C. De, J. Seo, B. Kang, R. J. Hemley, P. Dalladay-Simpson, Z. Wang, D. Y. Kim, K. Kim, S. Cheong, H. W. Yeom, K. H. Kim, and J. S. Kim
Heating samples to 2000 °C and above for scanning tunneling microscopy studies in ultrahigh vacuum
B. S. A. Gedara, and M. Trenary
Formation energy prediction of crystalline compounds using deep convolutional network learning on voxel image representation
A. Davariashtiyani, and S. Kadkhodaei
Structurally Constrained Evolutionary Algorithm for the Discovery and Design of Metastable Phases
B. Wang, K. P. Hilleke, S. Hajinazar, G. Frapper, and E. Zurek
Niobium substitution suppresses the superconducting critical temperature of pressurized
MoB 2
J. Lim, S. Sinha, A. C. Hire, J. S. Kim, P. M. Dee, R. S. Kumar, D. Popov, R. J. Hemley, R. G. Hennig, P. J. Hirschfeld, G. R. Stewart, and J. J. Hamlin
equation of state of boron carbide
M. Somayazulu, M. Ahart, Y. Meng, J. Ciezak, N. Velisavlevic, and R. J. Hemley
Conventional High-Temperature Superconductivity in Metallic, Covalently Bonded, Binary-Guest C–B Clathrates
N. Geng, K. P. Hilleke, L. Zhu, X. Wang, T. A. Strobel, and E. Zurek
Creating superconductivity in WB2 through pressure-induced metastable planar defects
J. Lim, A. C. Hire, Y. Quan, J. S. Kim, S. R. Xie, S. Sinha, R. S. Kumar, D. Popov, C. Park, R. J. Hemley, Y. K. Vohra, J. J. Hamlin, R. G. Hennig, P. J. Hirschfeld, and G. R. Stewart
The Microscopic Diamond Anvil Cell: Stabilization of Superhard, Superconducting Carbon Allotropes at Ambient Pressure
X. Wang, D. M. Proserpio, C. Oses, C. Toher, S. Curtarolo, and E. Zurek
Predicting synthesizability of crystalline materials via deep learning
A. Davariashtiyani, Z. Kadkhodaie, and S. Kadkhodaei
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Research Highlights
Impact of Data Bias on Machine Learning for Crystal Compound Synthesizability Predictions
Sara Kadkhodaei (U. Illinois - Chicago) Eva Zurek (SUNY – Buffalo)
Heating Samples to 2000° C for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies in Ultrahigh Vacuum
Michael Trenary (U. Illinois - Chicago)
XtalOpt: Multi-objective Evolutionary Search for Novel Functional Materials
Eva Zurek (SUNY-Buffalo)
Ultrahard WB2 Superconducts under Pressure
R. Hemley (U. IL-Chicago)R. Hennig, J. Hamlin, P. Hirshfeld, G. Stewart (U. FL)
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